Bunion (hallux valgus) surgery is a common procedure for deformity of the big toe. Commonly lesser toe deformity such as claw toe or crossover toe are associated.
Symptoms and signs
Pain and redness over the bunion
Deformity of the first toe
Deformity of the lesser toes
Pain beneath the ball of the big toe (sesamoid pain)
Nerve pain
Shoe wear difficulty
Conservative treatment
Shoe modification should be trialed for symptomatic bunions. A flat padded shoe with a wide toe box may give relief.
Operative treatment
Bunion surgery involves straightening of the big toe and removal of the prominent bump. This involves releasing the tight ligaments that cause the deformity and realigning the big toe by cutting then re- fixing the bone in the correct alignment. Lesser toe deformity such as claw/ hammer toes are commonly treated at the time of bunion surgery, most commonly with a PIPJ fusion.
After your surgery
Your procedure will be done as day case or overnight surgery.
A bulky bandage will be in place and a stiff overshoe will be provided that is usually worn for the first 2 weeks. Weight bearing in a comfortable running shoe can usually commence at the 2 week mark.
Your dressings can remain intact until your post operative visit. Please use a bag to keep the foot dry for showering.
If you do not have an appointment for review in the rooms within 10 days after your surgery please phone the rooms to arrange this.
Risks of hallux valgus / lesser toe correction surgery
Recurrence of bunion / deformity
Big toe stiffness
Failure of the bone to heal
Nerve / tendon injury
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